Kitting and Fulfillment

promotion fulfillment

Case Study: Custom Kits for Increased Loyalty

May 4, 2023

A global retailer specializing in personal care and beauty products worked with Arrowhead to create a special promotion for their loyal customers. After attending exclusive webinars with product experts and influencers, customers received personalized kits filled with samples and promotional materials. Arrowhead handled the creation and fulfillment of over 45,000 kits, ensuring that each one was unique and engaging. The result was increased customer loyalty and excitement, with a consistent flow of social media buzz from satisfied customers.

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kitting services

Case Study: Holiday Kits for Shareholders

May 4, 2023

Arrowhead helped a Minnesota Fortune 500 company create a special holiday offering for their shareholders. The company wanted to send a custom kit of its products to shareholders at a discounted price. Since shareholders had different preferences, Arrowhead provided multiple ways to order, including phone, mail, and online options. The project involved assembling 50,000 kits each year, each containing 23 items, all with careful attention to packaging. Arrowhead also managed the ecommerce, ensuring that payments, including checks, were processed smoothly. The result was positive feedback from shareholders and increased loyalty to the company.

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warehouse fulfillment services

Case Study: Empowering Budtenders for Boveda

April 10, 2023

Boveda, a company known for its humidity control products, wanted to educate Budtenders in Illinois about the importance of preserving cannabis freshness. To do this, they created an engaging online training program. Budtenders had to watch a video, take a quiz, and then they received rewards like branded swag for completing the training. Arrowhead handled the entire process, from creating the training platform to distributing rewards. The program was a success, with nearly half of the target audience participating and meeting Boveda’s goals early on.

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