Loyalty Programs

kitting services

Case Study: Holiday Kits for Shareholders

May 4, 2023

Arrowhead helped a Minnesota Fortune 500 company create a special holiday offering for their shareholders. The company wanted to send a custom kit of its products to shareholders at a discounted price. Since shareholders had different preferences, Arrowhead provided multiple ways to order, including phone, mail, and online options. The project involved assembling 50,000 kits each year, each containing 23 items, all with careful attention to packaging. Arrowhead also managed the ecommerce, ensuring that payments, including checks, were processed smoothly. The result was positive feedback from shareholders and increased loyalty to the company.

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loyalty program management

Case Study: B2B Loyalty Program Development

April 10, 2023

Arrowhead helped a client create a B2B loyalty program for the automotive aftermarket industry. The platform allowed businesses to earn points on bulk purchases and redeem them for rewards. Arrowhead handled fraud prevention with a system that verified receipts and ensured proper sourcing, including cross-border considerations for Canadian customers. The program saw impressive results, with engagement exceeding expectations—participation doubled within six months, and many users visited the site every two days. The program successfully boosted customer loyalty and engagement.

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prize fulfillment company

Case Study: Budweiser’s Nationwide $2 Beer Giveaway

Network SupportMay 14, 2021

Arrowhead partnered with Budweiser to run a nationwide promotion offering consumers $2 in the form of a free beer through the My Cooler loyalty program. By signing up, consumers could immediately redeem their reward. Arrowhead worked with a payment partner to deliver virtual prepaid cards for online shopping or mobile wallet use, and included links to Drizly and Budweiser’s beer finder for a better experience. Arrowhead streamlined the registration, payment, and fulfillment processes, ensuring timely delivery of rewards. Despite limited exposure, the campaign exceeded expectations with high participation and a significant increase in My Cooler program registrations.

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